Wednesday, March 11, 2009

advice from a 4 year old

Warning-this may be TMI for many of you~however it's just cute so I had to record it.

After Garrett's bath tonight he proceeded to use the "potty" while I was lotioning, diapering and jammying Macy. Numero Dos I might add. Anyway~his advice for me was:

Garrett: if you ever need to go potty ("#2) you should use my potty.

Me: Hmmm, why?

Garrett: So, when it gets stuck I can just run right in my room and get you the "Peter Rabbit" book that you read to me that one time when my poop was stuck.

Me: Oh, thanks for thinking of me, Garrett. I remember that day very well.

Garrett: yeah, it kept goin' up and down, up and down

The End
P.S. Reason #1million why I love being a SAHM.

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